February 17, 2013

Beleg On the Hunt

It had been nearly a year since Túrin fled and Thingol's messengers could find no trace of him. Only one would not give up hope, Beleg Strongbow. The North-watches of Thingol's domain were not going well with the Strongbow and Dragon-helm missing and the Orcs grew bolder. The Men in Brethil were afraid as their lands were being attacked by Orcs. Hearing news of Orc mischief Beleg began to turn back when he ran into the woodsmen that Túrin had left recently.

The daughter of Larnach told to Beleg the tale of the strange man who had saved her. and his. Beleg knew immediately it was Túrin and left in haste but he first warned the people to flee to Brethil for they would soon be overrun by Orcs. Beleg found evidence of the band of outlaws. Túrin's skills in the woods proved great, however, as he kept his company moving and disguising their paths. Beleg lamented, "'Alas! Too well did I teach this child of Men craft of wood and field! An Elvish band almost one might think this to be'" (p. 109, The Children of Húrin).

Though they were not found Túrin and his men knew they were being followed and could not shake their pursuer. Just as Beleg had foretold, Orcs raided the forest of Teiglin. Handir of Brethil rallied his men for a defense but they could only defend their homesteads. Of the woodsmen of Teiglin many of the women and children had left for Handir's land in Brethil on Beleg's advice. The men that stayed were defeated. The Orcs took captives and plunder and turned back their lands. Túrin's outlaws espied them and wished to attack. Many wished for the plunder themselves more than the rescue of fellow Men.

Seeing he could not restrain his men Túrin along with Orleg went forth together to scout the situation. Clearly the Orcs outnumbered the outlaws. But the Orcs proceeded slowly knowing they were near the Guarded Plain protected by the watchers of Nargothrond. They too had sent out scouts and these discovered Túrin and Orleg. Not wanting the Orcs to discover his men Túrin led them westward toward the guards of Nargothrond they so feared. Orleg was killed by arrows but Túrin was saved by his Elvish mail. And not wanting to draw to close to Nargothrond the Orcs let Túrin escape. They killed their captives and hurried back toward Angband.

Middle-earth timeline: First Age, 485
Today's reading comes from: The Children of Húrin, pages 107-111

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